And the Traffic Keeps Climbing…

One of the most important things that any webmaster must do is check his statistics every so often. Why? Well, they show you whether you’re improving or not- the more people that read your website, the better you’re doing at promoting it, and if even a few of those visitors come back every so often you have a good chance of building up a community, which is one of the most important things if you want to make some cash enjoy blogging and last long in the field. Let’s face it; I wouldn’t blog if no one read what I wrote; even a single comment, whether good or bad inspires me to come back the next day and write (type) about what I feel, how I’m doing and whatnot. The statistics tool I use is Google Analytics; it is the most comprehensive statistical tool out there in my opinion, and best of all… it’s FREE. Coming from an Asian background, that is one of the most important things to me… I’m sure all you cheap bastards out there will agree with me
Except for a short spell where traffic wasn’t being registered as I removed the code from the sidebar without realizing it (D’oh!), traffic on TUK has generally been pretty constant; it’s started to rise in the last few days, and yesterday’s tally showed up at just five visitors short of 300 for the day. Despite the lack of quality content for a short while as I’ve been busy sitting on my arse with University work, it continues to rise; if this trend keeps going, I’ll be pretty happy with life.

Take a look; 295 visitors yesterday and closing in on 2000 uniques total. Most of the traffic is from the US; I’ll be concentrating on spamming letting a few people from other countries (gotta find them first!) know about the website. Pretty happy, as this continues to rise; apparently FeedBurner has f**ked up and thus you can no longer subscribe by email; subscribe with a reader for now and I’ll use the best of my wonderful technical knowledge to try and fix it.
As for other news on the website, I was thinking of setting up a forum; at the moment, there aren’t really enough visitors and although the cost for the vBulletin license wouldn’t be that much, I think I’ll wait a bit. Might put up one of those kiddy chat boxes though, so you guys can show each other how mature y’all are. We’ll see how it goes in the next couple of days. Still waiting for the eBook page; supposed to be up today but guess what? The designer died again! To promote it, I’ll use the Digital Point affiliates section; might send a few copies to the ‘big guns’ to see what they think/if they’ll plug it.
Apologies, but this post will be another short n (hopefully) sweet one; I haven’t started on anything for tomorrow, so gotta work work work!
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