Not Flippin’ Bad…
Posted in Uncategorized by admin On October 29, 2009

Just sold the first PR1 domain + proxy ( for $25. Sure, might not be a lot but considering I paid $7.5 for it that’s a pretty decent ROI (return on investment). I’ve got a couple major projects coming along that should bring me
Interview With Desmond Ong – Site Flipping Expert
Posted in Interviews by admin On June 1, 2009

Desmond Ong is the co-founder of The Site Flipping Code with his business partner, Jani G. Desmond has been regarded as one of the top site flippers on the internet due to his vast experience in the field as well as his remarkable strategies
Stop This Fluffy Sh!t | Time To Make Money
Posted in Make Money Online by admin On April 10, 2008

I would like to apologise to my readers. Although this is not meant to be a blog that teaches you how to make money, I know a lot of you read this in the hope of doing so. The problem is –
If You Do Not Comment On This Post You Fail At Life

Blogs tend to have a lot of people that read them… on average, I hit at least 500 uniques a day usually with more than 1,000 coming in on the good days. The thing is, and this is the case with most
Offline Marketing… An Interesting Way Of Making Money
Posted in Make Money Online by admin On February 26, 2008

I talk to quite a lot of people I’ve ‘met’ online daily… nearly every single thing I’ve learned about making money online and online business for that matter has been through someone else, as I started off a complete newbie – yes,
Five Posts That You Should Read in the Blogging World
Posted in Daily Rambling by admin On November 30, 2007

It’s almost the start of a new month, and while earning statistics and all that will be put up later today night or tomorrow, I’ll give you a filler post with content I found interesting for you to browse. These articles were
My Blog Is Dead… How Do I Spark Some… DEBATE?
Posted in Daily Rambling by admin On November 29, 2007

While I told you yesterday that one of the most important things a webmaster must do is check his traffic every so often, another thing that is a direct spinoff from that is the number of comments gained. More traffic usually = more comments;
And the Traffic Keeps Climbing…
Posted in Daily Rambling by admin On November 28, 2007

One of the most important things that any webmaster must do is check his statistics every so often. Why? Well, they show you whether you’re improving or not- the more people that read your website, the better you’re doing at promoting it, and if even a
So…. Wazzup?
Posted in Daily Rambling by admin On November 27, 2007

Not much going on today; I might be flipping my most valuable proxy for a decent bit of cash; will not take less than $700/$800 so we’ll see how it goes. I actually made $150.00 yesterday for writing, so I’m pretty happy
How I Expect to Earn at Least $100 for 23m30s of Work…
Posted in Daily Rambling by admin On November 26, 2007

I was hit by one of my brilliant (well, in my opinion of course ) ideas a few days ago; I finally decided that today I would go ahead and try to destroy with it. What was this idea? Well, I decided to