Earnings – October 21st, 2007

Perhaps it’s ‘cheating’ to start the contest on this day; but ah well. Why, you ask? Well, today’s the day I get the first down payment on an article writing project I’ve started; meaning I’m already $100 to the good. Anyways, coupled with the meager earnings of my proxies, a couple sales of my eBook and I start this contest off on a foot that is not strong, but certainly pretty steady.


Writing Project: $100 down payment
Domain Sales: $35
Proxy Articles: $10 (two done)
eBook sales: $38 (five sold)
Google Adsense: $2.22Want to check out my proxies? You can click here or here. If you want to make your long URLs shorter, you can go to Lil URL. Last but not least, go to Digital Point and purchase a copy of my killer eBook, detailing how to make money with Domain Names.

Total for today: $185.22
At this rate it would take me: 90 days to reach my target

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